LWR Kit Making for Lenten


Personal Care Kits
Living Water Lutheran Lenten Project for Lutheran World Relief (LWR)

Beginning with the first week in Lent (February 22nd) we’ll once again begin collecting items for LWR’s Personal Care Kits Lenten Project. Each week there will be a new item focus so watch the Connections for instructions. Bring your items to the collection box when you come to church on Sunday or to the Wednesday Lenten service. This is a wonderful intergenerational project to involve everyone from Living Water.

What’s in a Personal Care Kit?
• One (1) lightweight bath-size towel, no smaller than 20″x40″ and no larger than 27″x52″. Dark colors are preferred and the towels should be lightweight to allow the recipient to dry them quickly. (Hint: watch the January sales for these size towels and keep the luxurious large bath towels for your own use!)
• Two (2) bath-sized bars of soap in original wrapping, 4-5 oz. each, OR three (3) bars of soap of 3 oz. size. Each kit needs to have 8-9 oz of bath soap.
• One (1) adult size toothbrush in original packaging. Multi-packs of toothbrushes can be repackaged in a business size envelope and sealed.
• One (1) sturdy wide-tooth comb.
• One (1) metal nail clipper (attached file is optional).
The very simple gesture of giving a Personal Care Kit can give someone the encouragement to start anew, starting with a bath. You can share God’s grace and love by providing that simple comfort. Last year, through your amazing generosity, Living Water contributed items to make 80 Personal Care Kits. These kits were part of a total of 122,550 Personal Care Kits that LWR distributed across the globe to persons in need in 15 countries.
When LWR distributes Personal Care Kits, it’s often to people who have lost everything. In the wake of an earthquake, or having fled from violence as their homes were overtaken, often with nothing more than what’s on their back. When they clasp a towel from a faraway place, with a bar of soap, a toothbrush…and wash up, they know that they have not been forsaken by the world.

Lenten Personal Care Kits. God’s work through our hands. Questions? Contact Myrna Ulland


ollection, how about giving to the LWR Quilt & Kit Shipping Fund? It costs $2.65 for LWR to add toothpaste and ship each Personal Care Kit overseas. Your donation helps ensure that LWR is able to distribute all of the kits they receive. Make your check payable to Living Water Lutheran Church and note “LWR Shipping” in the memo line.

Want more information about LWR’s Quilt and Kit Ministry visit www.lwr.org or contact Myrna Ulland.